Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Reggae Cover of Hello by Adele:

That Reggae Cover of Hello by AdeleLooking for that Reggae cover of Adeles song "Hello" that people have been sharing and talking about. This is it. I´m not the biggest Reggae fan. Nor am I a fan of Adele music in general, let alone the song "Hello". Just not my cup of tea. But even I have to admit that despite Conkarah´s obvious self importance (who am I to talk, I have a website of my own name) and the significant auto tune in his shisters voice (strangely I don't have anything against that). The tune is gold and I'm happy to share it. Here is the Reggae cover of Adeles song "Hello". Oh and I must admit. I love the closeup of Conkarah's sun glasses where you can see the tripod and nothing but the beach and sea in the background.

Reggae Cover of Hello by Adele:


from Andrew Brett

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